Recurring Dream! #writeup

I ran…ran as fast as I could, as far as I could. Without a sense of direction, I fled in that one momentary lapse of his attention, in all these years, from this small, dark, and stingy, dungeon in this deep forest.

I had with me, a recurring dream…the last thing, I believe, I  remember of a past, I had. It fuelled my escape from this hopelessness.

” The long-lasting dream.

The last thing I ever remember of life.

The last place I saw,  from where I was abducted.

The last place I was warned not to be…

It stood tall, even after all these years…covered in green moss, beautiful and unloved, showing a way


In my pounding heart, I can already feel the calmness of a home, somewhere nearby!!

Pic courtesy – Sue Vincent



Linking for the #writephoto challenge.


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