Ode to October

A quick and breezy October,

  1. It was my cousin brother’s engagement and we all had a blast.A family reunion,a quirky dress up,lots of photos ,great food.Reminded me of my engagement DAY
  2. “DIWALI” was here and this time we did not burst any crackers as my little girl was totally afraid of seeing and hearing them.I can only sympathize with the people who have been forced to listen to these loud and sparkling crackers.Next year,it would be a pledge from my side not to actually buy / burst them.”Happy Diwali ” to you all…
  3. Completely down with fever and sore throat.Its very difficult to even utter a few words. 😦

November is here,my favorite month of the year.It has certain fragrance, a cold numbness to it.It gives me the real thrill of being so close to open the door to 2017 :).


October Days!!

Where did all the time go ?? Seriously,it’s October,that’s like the last leg of 2016 race!!And what a month was September? The month of busy bees “Onam“.

  • So a lot of shopping,prepping,eating and holidaying :).Took almost 10 days of off and still could not fulfill onam like never before
  • And my grandfather turned 85!!.That was the most happening thing.Everyone in the family,the neighborhood came together and had a blast on his birthday.That was awesome :).I still can picture my ear-to-ear grinning toothless Achachan,when we cut his first birthday cake 🙂

Ah and now October is here…lets see how it unfolds!!



August,you are here already ?

It’s a new month already and it quite didn’t register in my mind.July went so fast or so I felt.There were no rains at our place,It did make me sad!.

  • July was a month of coughs,fever,sickness,curled up in beds,lots of snuggling.In a way,I enjoyed the time with my girl and myself.Just wished that the sickness would go away.
  • We went for a short trip to “Thenmala”,an eco -tourist spot just outside the city.It was really superb.A lot of walking among dinosaurs infected woods.A blog post is a must to relive the time again.
  • I lost two of my phones,sigh!! And that had put a full stop to most of my online activities in July.But,I ordered 2 phones as well :).They will be arriving soon!
  • And my mind was kind of wandering like a ship amidst the storm with no sight of land.And I must say,I have still not calmed down.The turmoil is deep etched into my heart.I hope,I will know what to do!

So,there a sneak peak on my July.August,please be nice!!

Bye Bye June…

Its another end-of-month and it also marks half of the year,2016.Its six moths,puff….I have no idea where did all the time,the months have gone by ?

  • June is very special.Since I already mentioned this.June marks the day which I will never forget in my entire life.It has changed my entire life.This day has helped me value things more deeply,helped me become more grateful about my life and also it made me realize time is indeed a healer to some extent.It helps you put things into perspective that you might never have thought of.
  • June also marks the first day of my lil girl play school.She is all grownup and is quite happy to go to school,much like me.And I love to hear all about her naughtiness when she is there :).Love you ‘N’ !!
  • And with June,the most amazing monsoon rains has arrived.And the first day is always like in the book “Chasing the Monsoons” :).Speaking of which,I was able to quickly read through the 4-book-a-month-Goodreads challenge,but the reviews of the same are pending here at the blog.

Yeah I know a lot of things have been pending here at my nook,well I promise to bring a change to them 🙂

July,Bring it On…!!

March Marched Away…

Leaving me lazier than ever!!

The sultry march was so longg…as if in a deep slumber to protect itself from the growing heat of summer.Yet,she did bring me a few good things ,

  • Finally it came to me as a big relief that I was misdiagnosed.It all started with a wrong blood report,on the basis of which medicines were administrated to me,which in turn threw my health out of balance!!I had a massive weight gain,hair thinning,mood swings,dizziness,heart burns,ulcers….etc.And I stopped taking the medicines based on my gut feeling and voila,every single health issue subsided the next day and vanished within a week :).Now,back to normal.Though this did affect my blog posts but nonetheless,a healthy body is most important!
  • At work,no work!! :).We had a whole month of free time,due to our client being on his paternity leave and our project being on maintenance mode.And I lazily spend the entire month surfing the internet,FB,WP Blogs,Quora.And the  finally deactivated all accounts except for blogs here.Well,I am at peace
  • My girl,is all grown up and will be at a summer camp next week to reduce her boredom at home.When we started looking for play schools for here,for one of the so called best school in my area,apparently,2 years is age-over for day care and she has to take “extra classes” to catch up when she starts actual school at June.Well,I decided that my girl would never be taking any stupid extra classes to grow up.
  • And here at blogs,I had the maximum views,comments and visitors since this blog has started,which has made me super happy!!

Now April is here,so will be the “New Year” as per our traditions.This month used to bring a lot of happiness,get togethers of families,yellow flowers,unniyappams,ah….Though days are going to be hotter,I can feel the numbness of being a grown up!!